One year later: a short retrospective

The first post on this blog dates from May 4th, 2008, so I thought it fitting to look back at the year that has passed since then. Over the time I’ve done some experiments/projects that, when I look back at them, make me think “What was I thinking?!”. On the other hand, there are luckily a few…

Status update on Wick3d

This blog’s been a bit silent the past couple of weeks, but I haven’t been idling at all – quite the opposite. Even with fresh copies of Dead Space, Fable 2 and Fallout 3 laying too near for comfort, most of my free time has been taken up by Wick3d (1 | 2). Recent developments…

Wick3d update: BSP sorting

After some developments in Papervision3D and Alternativa3D, I decided to try to tackle BSP sorting myself (yeah yeah, months after everyone else did :p). It gets rid of those typical annoying z-sorting anomalies, and allows for intersecting objects to be rendered flawlessly. However, due to the cpu-intensity of building the initial bsp tree, it can only be…

On an unrelated note… (and some updates)

I always told myself not to post anything unrelated to Actionscript or music, but this time I’ll just have to make an exception to that rule, because I’d like to introduce two new inhabitants of my apartment. Meet Flash and Bundy, the two feline hellraisers that have taken up residence with me and, in the…

Wick3d source available + MD2 animated model demo

Aah, finally :) I’ve been spending a large part of my free time working on Wick3d, and I’ve arrived to the point where I wouldn’t mind people looking at the source (link at the bottom of the post). I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: looking at it and experimenting with it is…