Flash watercolour simulation (using PixelBender)

Something I’ve been thinking about doing for a long time is imitating real artistic media, in particular watercolours. Not because I’m an avid watercolour painter (last time I’ve touched them was in kindergarten), but because I think it’s an interesting dynamic. Since it is mainly fluid dynamics, the idea resurfaced after my previous fluid sims.…

HDR Lighting in FP10 (+ Away3D)

If you’ve played any video games the past few years, you’ve definately seen the HDR (High Dynamic Range) effect. Creating a more brilliant colour spectrum, it’s both popular in photography and 3D rendering. In games it typically enhances the brighter areas and makes light spill over into darker areas (the so called light blooming effect).…

Smoke/fluids simulation using Pixel Bender – part III

The third pass at smoke/fluids simulation again looks quite different from the previous two attempts, but this time it’s stable both when keeping still as while moving. Not surprisingly, as the current approach is more like Stam‘s fluid solver. The downside is that it’s much less processor-friendly: every new step (adding forces, diffusion, advection, updating boundaries, …)…

(fake) 2D parallax mapping… will burn your cpu

When Alternativa3D showed some demos with their parallax mapping, I always thought it’d be interesting to try it myself without having to resort to PixelBender. Well, I did, and I wasn’t happy how some things turned out. There was no overlap of objects, and sharp edges would come out looking odd or distorted. Then, taking…