Class: MorphTarget


MorphTarget defines the displacements per vertex that can be used to displace a Mesh. This can be used to animate vertices between different poses. Several MorphTargets can be used in a MorphPose or through a component such as MorphAnimation A MorphTarget describes the offsets for a whole Model, so several sets might be present (one for each Mesh).

new MorphTarget()

  • derschmale <>



Indicates whether or not vertex normals are provided in the morph target initialisation.


init(meshIndex, positions, normals)

Initializes the current MorphTarget object.

Name Type Description
meshIndex number

The meshIndex for which to assign the vertices.

positions Array

An Array of 3 floats per vertex (x, y, z), containing the displacement vectors. The size must match the vertex count of the target Mesh.

normals Array

An Array of 3 floats per vertex (x, y, z), containing the normal offset vectors. The size must match the vertex count of the target Mesh.